
Here's to the experience of recovering from surgery. I'll keep you all informed of my progress and what I hope is an entertaining journey for all of us.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Tuesday and Out of Control

Do you know the feeling of going too fast when you're not in control?  Maybe when you're the passenger in a car going down a twisty mountain road?  Or on a corkscrewing amusement ride?  You know what I mean.  And that was the feeling for me today when I got into the wheelchair for the first time to have Nurse Glenn wheel me to the porch for some outdoor time.  "Slow down" I holler, and he had only pushed me from the family room sofa to the kitchen counter.  "Turn left" when it looked to me like he was going to run me into the cabinets.  "Get right, get right!" at the opening to the basement stairs.  All of my backseat driving and Glenn just bit his tongue.  That is, until we got to the basement stairs.  Then he stopped the chair and said "hmmm, this is a really close fit."  For Mr. Cool, that's the same as hollering YIKES! But I did make it to the porch without mishap and really enjoyed it (once my heart rate slowed).  When it was time to come in, I suggested that I stand up and hop over the door ledge.  Glenn assured me that was unneccessary, then he bounced me over the entry way, tipped me forward and almost shook me loose, but I grabbed the door frame and held on.  Think this is the next step in teaching me self-sufficiency? 

Monday, August 30, 2010


Big day today.  Visit to the doctor, which means I went outside for the first time since enthroning myself in the family room/sick room on Friday afternoon.  All seems to be going well with the foot.  As they started to unwrap it, I only squinted at it; finally I took a full look.  It's got lots of stitches in several places and is swollen across the joints; but it's amazing to see my big toe pointing due north instead of west and a reduced bunion.  Back in two weeks for another check and probably removal of the stitches.  The doctor seemed very pleased with himself!

Super Nurse Laine spread his wings beyond health care today and became my Grout Snoop.  The chimney repair people were here finishing the interior job by putting a wire mesh and grout lining in the living room fireplace.  I hid out  in the family room wearing my nightgown, but I wanted to know how it's done so I can use the concept at the cabin.  What to do?  What to do?  Oh, yes, send Glenn!  Great investigation.  I now know what to use, how to put it up and what aisles in Home Depot to shop for the material! 

I can get used to having "help!"

Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Weekend

As promised by my doctor, the numbing shot wore off within 24 hours, so Saturday and Sunday were a little less fun than Friday, but it gave Nurse Glenn a chance to show that he can take it.  At one point I said "I'm trying to be a little less demanding."  Glenn says "You can be as demanding as you want."  I needed to include that on the blog to get a record of it, and take a vote--does that statement come with an expiration date?

Earlier, I mentioned to him that the cat litter needs changed every day (mentioned...my way of being bossy)  and Glenn says "I change the litter every other day."  Me:  "It should be changed every day."  Glenn:  "There are going to be some changes around here now that you're not in charge." 

Can't wait to see the next round of changes...it's OK with me so long as he continues to bring me drinks and to be available when I call him.   Glenn's sister Marilyn says their family doesn't come with really good caregiving genes.  She took care of her sister-in-law when she had a foot problem and Marilyn said within a few days she was responding to "Marilyn?"  with "What the hell do you want!" 

Glenn's been cooking, bringing me anything I ask for and checking with me to see what he can do for me.  And he still looks relaxed and can smile.  What a gem!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Day One

And you asked what I was going to do during post-op?  Writing a blog seems to be an entertaining waste of time and a good way to keep you all up-to-date on my adventures with Nurse Glenn.

Surgery was Friday.  I was promised in by 7 and out by noon.  All of you who are familiar with the Getrue Cleaners  sign in Clintonville will recognize the motto.  Timing was close to same day cleaning.  Just want to confirm that there is NO traffic on East Broad Street at 4:45 am...we had to arrive for 5 am check-in and 7 am surgery.  I got home about 1:30

I'm recovering as anticipated:  laying around with my foot up, shuffling to the bathroom and bugging Glenn. 

Jamie wanted to make dinner for us for Friday night and Kara and Deb are bringing meals next week.  Glenn was grumbling "everyone's trying to take my job."  After one day of me asking for lots of help, he's not saying that anymore. 

About 8 o'clock Friday night, Glenn says "I'm having my coffee and donut and for 5 minutes, you can't ask for anything!"