
Here's to the experience of recovering from surgery. I'll keep you all informed of my progress and what I hope is an entertaining journey for all of us.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Up, Up and Away...

Up...that's where I'm spending my nights.  I've moved upstairs.  I haven't moved to the master bedroom yet...I'm using the guest room.  My use of  language here is interesting.  Notice how I didn't call it MY bedroom?  I'm referring to it as the MASTER.  Glenn has been working subtly, and apparently effectively, to get his own room for the duration.  I'm a guest in my own upstairs!  I'll will eventually sneak into the MASTER and reclaim it as "my bedroom", but for now it's best for both of us if I have my own bed.  I was thrilled to find out at my doctor's appointment that I could sleep without the walking boot.  However, what I didn't realize was the challenge I would have finding a way to keep my sensitive foot from being abused by blankets and sheets.  It's toughening up, so look out Nurse Glenn, I'll be back!

Believe it or not, there are things that I miss about sleeping on the hide-a-bed. 
  • I don't have to make the bed in the morning...I get up and Nurse Glenn folds up the evidence (thus the name).
  • I have a TV in my bedroom.  Never thought I'd want one, but it is kind of nice to  keep up with the entertainment industry via late night TV.
  • The hide-a-bed's low enough that Farley can easily get up on it and spend the night with me.  The guest bed is so high that the aging tubby (or do I mean tabby?) can't jump up on it.  He enters the room, puts his paws up on the side of the bed and stares at it, like he can make it lower down to a Farley level.  The first night he fussed, then walked around and found a chair close enough that he could get on the chair and then leap (really too athletic a word, but I can't think of a word that describes his slo-mo lumbering) to the bed.
  • And the thing I miss most about sleeping in the family room?   Just hanging out in bed, waiting for Nurse Glenn to fix coffee and deliver it to me IN BED. 
Coffee in bed is probably a fair trade for a little mobility!

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