
Here's to the experience of recovering from surgery. I'll keep you all informed of my progress and what I hope is an entertaining journey for all of us.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Went to the Doctor and the Doctor Said...

Today was another doctor's appointment.  I had a follow-up with the butcher (I mean surgeon) today.  Doctor's appointments are big outings for Nurse Glenn and me.  Everybody up and dressed to leave the house on someone else's schedule.  Normally we putt around and get ready whenever the spirit moves us. 

I used the walker to get into the office waiting room, but being a show-off, I walked (and I use the term loosely) to the examining room.  When I got up on the table, the nurse starts her questioning.  "How are you?"  OK, I guess.   "Does the foot look good?"  (You haven't seen it, but it looks like it's fell into a meat grinder...after 4 weeks, it's still a lovely mauve color....which she could see, so why did she ask?)  "Is the pain less than before the surgery?"  At that question, I knew I was dealing with a fool!  Four weeks ago, I was meeting friends to walk for an hour; I did lunges in a strength training class and walked to church.  Now, I use a walker if going for more than 10 feet.  So I tell her no, it hurts now and didn't hurt much before.  "But doesn't it feel better?"  A fool, but a persistent fool!  No, I say.  It hurts, especially at night.  I think I actually heard her huff, like the stupid patient doesn't know what the polite answer is!   BTW, this is the same nurse who took out my stitiches--see previous blog.

Dr. K comes in and removes all of the protective foot covering and has me stand in my bare feet.  I haven't put weight on my foot without the walking boot so I was worried; not too  painful.   Dr. K said, "well nothing broke!"  He must be related to the nurse.  End results:  everything is healing according to schedule.  Wear the boot for 4 more weeks, but no need to wear it at night.  And the pain is normal (which is dr. talk for ignore the goofy nurse!)

On the way to the doctor, Glenn was saying how this 6 weeks has not been hard at all for him.  "Well, Glenn it's only been four weeks since my surgery."  Oh no, that's not right he says, it's beeen 6 weeks.  All I can say is he may not think it's hard, but time passes at 1 1/2 times it normal measure.  Poor Glenn.

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